The Marketing Companion
In an AI world, the need for human connection will be more profound than ever. Dana Malstaff and Mark Schaefer talk about new ideas to integrate a human connection into AI prompts, communities, and content strategies. Here are some truly unique ideas that will make you re-think how you connect with customers and audiences. 
Direct download: MarkJan27-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:13am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Mathew Sweezey pluck out a few big trends that have them excited for the new year. From the executive implications of AI to a focus on premium experiences, this is a fascinating exploration of what's coming next.
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Mathew Sweezey is the Co-Founder of Salesforces Web3 Studio where he helped Salesforce and their top customers transition into Web3. Mathew an independent consultant, a best selling author, and avid adventurer. 
Direct download: MarkJan13-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

In this fun and thought-provoking show, Mark Schaefer and Jay Acunzo challenge each other with the best questions they could ask each other — and then dissect the beauty of the question. Amp up you content game by listening to this extraordinary debate!
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Jay Acunzo consults experts and entrepreneurs to differentiate their messages and content. He hosts the podcast How Stories Happen, where guests dissect signature stories piece by piece, and runs the Creator Kitchen, where experts learn to become stronger storytellers. Learn more at
Direct download: MarkDEC30-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 11:37am GMT

In this mind-bending episode, Mark Schaefer demonstrates why NotebookLM has taken the AI world by storm. 

Direct download: MarkDEC16.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 11:35am GMT

Keith Jennings talks about how Mark Schaefer's new book became a catalyst for his career reinvention. Mark and Keith discuss their history of personal reinvention and the three questions they use to judge whether they are stagnating on the job. This is Keith's final episode on the show and Mark announces two new co-hosts for the podcast's 14th season.
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Keith Jennings is an executive and writer who equips professionals to serve with values, generosity, and social impact. He serves as vice president of community impact with Jackson Healthcare. Connect with him at
Direct download: MarkDEC1-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Paul Roetzer dissect several evolving AI-related developments, including the emerging emotional bond between children and AI bots, a humanoid fine artist, how AI is transforming education, and more.
Direct download: MarkNov18-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer brings LinkedIn expert Richard Bliss onto the show. Richard covers basic LinkedIn strategy, the role of AI and bots, collaborative content, emerging role of video and more. This episode contains bonus Q&A content about LinkedIn newsletters, streaming video, and LinkedIn for newbies.
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Direct download: MarkNOV4.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Marketing visionary Dana Malstaff built one of the most successful communities on the planet. With 80,000 members, it was a revenue engine and an inspiration to her enthusiastic followers. Here why Dana decided to start over. This will be one of the most moving and inspiring stories of leadership and courage you'll hear. 

Direct download: MarkOCT21-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Every keynote speaker and content creator knows the value of that signature story – a tale that drives home a point with passion, insight, and a little drama. But how do you come up with these stories, and how do you craft them to serve you well in your marketing?
Mark Schaefer and Jay Acunzo explore this topic in this new episode. You'll learn how each identifies, nurtures, and delivers their best stories. And you'll get to hear two of their favorite tales. 
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subscribe to his award-winning blog.
Jay Acunzo consults experts and entrepreneurs to differentiate their messages and content. He hosts the podcast How Stories Happen, where guests dissect signature stories piece by piece, and runs the Creator Kitchen, where experts learn to become stronger storytellers. Learn more at
Direct download: MarkOct7-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Ed Sheeran launched a new hot sauce in cooperation with Heinz. It makes so much sense. Ed doesn't have to harvest the tomatoes and make anything! Why aren't more bands launching products with influencers?
While celebrity endorsements have been around for ages, giving stars a stake in an actual product has been rarer. Meanwhile, influencers are launching their own products – with or without the brands. Why don't brands get ahead of this? Mark Schaefer and Amanda Russell discuss this trend on the new episode of The Marketing Companion.
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Amanda Russell is a marketing leader, entrepreneur, and scholar. By age 32, she built and sold two successful businesses: an online fitness subscription community for women and a digital marketing and production company. She served as Chief Marketing Officer at a NYC-based portfolio fund and developed the world’s first accredited MBA & EMBA Influencer Marketing programs at Northwestern University. She also founded the Global Center for Influence at the University of Texas. Amanda has taught at renowned institutions such as Bocconi University, London Business School, Harvard, Wharton, HEC Paris, NYU, and the University of Stockholm. Her book, "The Influencer Code," explores influence, consumer behavior, and the future of marketing. Amanda advises major companies, including Lamborghini, Cedars-Sinai, Lionsgate, and Silk-FAW.
Direct download: MarkSEp23FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Keith Jennings explore the role of social objects in marketing. They are everywhere; they drive word-of-mouth marketing, and this is one of the least-explored ideas in the arsenal. Learn how to use social objects for your own business and why this idea is indispensable in the AI Era.
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Keith Jennings is an executive and writer who equips professionals to serve with values, generosity, and social impact. He serves as vice president of community impact with Jackson Healthcare. Connect with him at
Direct download: MarkSep9-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

AI is suffering from low adoption, lousy press, fear of job loss, and frankly a confused public. Is it time for AI to embark on some marketing of its own? That's just one of the subjects Mark Schaefer and Paul Roetzer discuss in this new episode of The Marketing Companion. Mark and Paul also cover the future of the AI copyright problem, the new "robber barons" breaking the law to make AI come alive, regulation, new marketing applications, and much more. 

Direct download: MarkAUG26FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 11:58am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Sara Wilson dive into the red-hot world of brand communities. Who is doing it well and why? What are the challenges? What is the role of influencers and what's next? We'll explore that and more in this new episode.
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Direct download: MarkAUG12.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

On this episode, Mark Schaefer and Mathew Sweezey talk about their search for personal peace within the corporate world and beyond. Both have been on a journey to live a life with less stress and more satisfaction, in sometimes divergent paths. They discuss financial freedom, impact of social media expectations, anxiety and depression, staying "centered," meditation, experimenting with psychedelics, and more. 
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Mathew Sweezey is the Co-Founder of Salesforces Web3 Studio where he helped Salesforce and their top customers transition into Web3. Mathew an independent consultant, a best selling author, and avid adventurer. 
Direct download: MarkJuly30-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Jay Acunzo contends in this episode that you don't need to be brilliant to be an effective content creator. You need to up the ante on curiosity. Curiosity is one of the most important "soft skills" of marketing. But can it be learned? Improved? Spread to a team? You'll find out on this new episode.
Jay Acunzo is an author, speaker, and host of the podcast Unthinkable -- the show about marketers who trusted their intuition, not the best practices, and all the unconventional, refreshing things they did to build their brands and leave their legacies. Learn more and find a Starter Pack of episodes at
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Direct download: MarkJuly15-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:55am GMT

It seems like imposter syndrome is referenced everywhere these days. It's such a common obstacle to success but there doesn't seem to be any end in sight. Mark Schaefer and Amanda Russell explore this provocative topic from their own life experiences. Amanda has had extensive "brain training" as an elite athlete while Mark explored a family of origin narrative to discover personal roadblocks. It's a new take on a very old and ubiquitous problem.
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Amanda Russell is the founder of the Global Center for Influence (C4In), launching (2023) at the University of Texas at Austin with a mission to help brands & people learn how to position themselves and their companies for success, bridging the gap between academia and practice. Amanda's mission is to enhance how we do 'higher education. 
Former Olympic-level athlete, Founder-to-sale Entrepreneur and Marketing Consultant who still loves the brain gymnastics of helping people and companies become more influential among their desired audience. Professor, Author "The Influencer Code", Speaker, Board Member and Director of C4In
Direct download: MarkJULY1-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Keith Jennings dive into one of the most complicated questions in the business world ... What business are you in? Deceptively simple, Devilishly complicated, this question has been an obsession for the greatest minds in marketing for decades. And this is a question that is more relevant than ever. 
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Keith Jennings is an executive and writer who equips professionals to serve with values, generosity, and social impact.He serves as vice president of community impact with Jackson Healthcare. Connect with him at
Direct download: Mark_June17-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Paule Roetzer of the Marketing AI Institute get out of the trenches for a moment and look at big questions facing marketers as AI barrels forward.


Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Direct download: Mark_Schaefer_Marketing_Podcast_Episode_291.m4a
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:00am GMT

Most brands depend on social listening platforms to gauge brand sentiment, consumer feedback and competitor activities. But what happens in a world where most customers don't want to be seen and heard? Sara Wilson is working on this problem and in this new episode, we explore new ideas about community, conversations and the critical aspects of consumer insight in an AI World. 
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Direct download: MarkMay20.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Mathew Sweezy look at the foundational and enduring role of humans to create impact, loyalty, and relationships even as they are preoccupied with AI. Mark and Mathew explore the importance of events, communities, networking and loyalty. They also talk about the next big AI "unlock" for humans, the last human competitive advantage against AI, outcome-based content marketing, and Web3 farming. 
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.
Mathew Sweezey is the Co-Founder of Salesforces Web3 Studio where he helped Salesforce and their top customers transition into Web3. Mathew an independent consultant, a best selling author, and avid adventurer. 
Direct download: Mark-May6-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

In this special bonus episode of The Marketing Companion, Mark Schaefer and Daniel Nestle review some of the key learnings and highlights from The Uprising marketing retreat. The event featured acclaimed thought leaders on AI, content marketing, word of mouth, branding, and more. The intimate setting and group conversations created many a-ha moments. 
You can learn more about the Uprising retreat here
Direct download: MarkApril29.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 12:26pm GMT

Mark Schaefer reveals his content anxiety – is he missing something by sticking with the same content formats for more than a decade? Jay Acunzo describes his strategy of starting and stopping shows and why it makes sense ... or not. 

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.

Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Jay Acunzo is an author, speaker, and host of the podcast Unthinkable -- the show about marketers who trusted their intuition, not the best practices, and all the unconventional, refreshing things they did to build their brands and leave their legacies. Learn more and find a Starter Pack of episodes at

Direct download: MarkApril22-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Amanda Russell has a front and center seat in one of the biggest controversies in the history of sports. Millions of young athletes are losing their health, and in some cases their lives, to radical training programs. In this new episode, we look at the marketing of disruptive ideas in a fascinating discussion.

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.

Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Amanda Russell is the founder of the Global Center for Influence (C4In), launching (2023) at the University of Texas at Austin with a mission to help brands & people learn how to position themselves and their companies for success, bridging the gap between academia and practice. Amanda's mission is to enhance how we do 'higher education. 

Former Olympic-level athlete, Founder-to-sale Entrepreneur and Marketing Consultant who still loves the brain gymnastics of helping people and companies become more influential among their desired audience. Professor, Author "The Influencer Code", Speaker, Board Member and Director of C4In

Direct download: MarkApril8-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Too many companies are claiming to be beacons of social good and then not delivering. The result is a backlash against purpose-filled marketing, especially with young people. Mark Schaefer and Keith Jennings explore the current state of marketing and its role in our businesses and lives.

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.

Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Keith Jennings is an executive and writer who equips professionals to serve with values, generosity, and social impact.He serves as vice president of community impact with Jackson Healthcare. Connect with him at

Direct download: MarkJAN24-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

The world of Ai overwhelming. How do grab ahold of something in this hurricane of daily developments and actually start something for your business? Mark Schaefer and Paul Roetzer cut through the overwhelm to offer practical steps. There is bonus content on this show that explores AGI, impact on marketing careers, and more. 

Direct download: Mark_March11-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Marketing to Gen Z requires drops, collabs and customization as table stakes, nostalgic IP as a ticket to ubiquity, participatory game mechanics driving virality, content and commerce finally tying the knot, and billionaire influencers, to name a few.

Mark Schaefer and Sara Wilson explore how the most successful brands navigate major shifts reshaping Gen Z lives, such as the rise of AI, digital campfire platforms and the collapse of traditional media channels. These brands all know how to garner the most valuable commodity in the world: attention.

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.

Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Sara Wilson is a journalist-turned-social-marketer (former Facebook & Instagram) who works with brands, publications, and platforms like YouTube, Nike, Bumble, the New York Times and many others find, engage and grow obsessive communities across digital channels through her consultancy SW Projects. Sara also writes frequently on the subject of digital marketing trends; she coined the term "digital campfires" in the Harvard Business Review to describe the types of spaces where young audiences are gathering online today, and often speaks and leads workshops on this and other topics related to social innovation, web3, and Gen Z consumption trends to companies around the world such as Microsoft and McKinsey.

Direct download: MarkFeb26-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Brand loyalty has been in decline for years. But Mathew Sweezy is heading up new technological innovations to build loyalty through experiences and games native to the digital lifestyle. Catch a glimpse of the future of innovation with Mat and Mark Schaefer.

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.

Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Mathew Sweezey is the Co-Founder of Salesforces Web3 Studio where he helped Salesforce and their top customers transition into Web3. Mathew an independent consultant, a best selling author, and avid adventurer. 
Direct download: MarkFEb12-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

We all make mistakes but rarely talk about them. That changes today as Jay Acunzo and Mark Schaefer reveal their biggest flops, miscues, and embarrassments. A lot of lessons, a lot of fun ... you won't want to miss it!

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog. Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Jay Acunzo is an author, speaker, and host of the podcast Unthinkable -- the show about marketers who trusted their intuition, not the best practices, and all the unconventional, refreshing things they did to build their brands and leave their legacies. Learn more and find a Starter Pack of episodes at

Direct download: MarkJan29-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

If it seems like Shein and Temu have taken over the world overnight, you would not be wrong. These leading retail brands came out of nowhere by seemingly breaking all the rules of marketing. Mark Schaefer and Amanda Russell break down the biggest revolution in retail since Amazon! 

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.

Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Amanda Russell is the founder of the Global Center for Influence (C4In), launching (2023) at the University of Texas at Austin with a mission to help brands & people learn how to position themselves and their companies for success, bridging the gap between academia and practice. Amanda's mission is to enhance how we do 'higher education. 

Former Olympic-level athlete, Founder-to-sale Entrepreneur and Marketing Consultant who still loves the brain gymnastics of helping people and companies become more influential among their desired audience. Professor, Author "The Influencer Code", Speaker, Board Member and Director of C4In

Direct download: MarkJan15.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer explains a process that started 25 years ago to begin moving his business decisions from money to activities that brought joy. Keith Jennings compares this to a five-step career journey that starts with "don't mess up" to "meaningful work that brings joy." Where are you in the process?

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.

Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Keith Jennings is an executive and writer who equips professionals to serve with values, generosity, and social impact.He serves as vice president of community impact with Jackson Healthcare. Connect with him at

Direct download: MarkFINALDec27.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 6:52pm GMT

In this new episode of The Marketing Companion, Mark Schaefer was faced with a crisis and he asked AI to solve it for him. You'll just have to hear it to believe it.

Direct download: MarkDec18.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Creators are building brands, businesses, and loyal communities faster than the largest brands in the world. This is undoubtedly one of the most important trends of our lifetime, with vast implications for the future of marketing. Mark Schaefer and Sara Wilson team up to dissect this development and dissect research with vast implications for our commercial strategies. 

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog. Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Sara Wilson is a journalist-turned-social-marketer (former Facebook & Instagram) who works with brands, publications, and platforms like YouTube, Nike, Bumble, the New York Times and many others find, engage and grow obsessive communities across digital channels through her consultancy SW Projects. Sara also writes frequently on the subject of digital marketing trends; she coined the term "digital campfires" in the Harvard Business Review to describe the types of spaces where young audiences are gathering online today, and often speaks and leads workshops on this and other topics related to social innovation, web3, and Gen Z consumption trends to companies around the world such as Microsoft and McKinsey.

Direct download: FINAL_Mark_Dec_4.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

With OpenAi's revolutionary new offering, everyone has the ability to create custom applications -- just by typing commands in your own style. You can create whatever you can imagine! Everyone can be a coder now. Let's cut through the hype and explore the possibilities and constraints of this remarkable technology. Mark Schaefer hosts Paul Roetzer, founder of the Marketing AI Institute. 

Direct download: Mark_Nov_20_Final.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

In an unprecedented solo performance, Mark Schaefer discusses his thoughts on where our marketing priorities will be in the next few years. is the metaverse still alive and kicking? Tune it to find out! 

Direct download: Mark_NOV6-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Amanda Russell explore the Pratfall Effect, a psychological model that says we gain trust and credibility through revealing our mistakes. In this fascinating episode, they look at case studies from Mark's dressing habits and a weird burger commercial, to cookies and Mark Zuckerberg's hoodie. Mistakes in marketing can work, but only within a certain context.

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog. Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Amanda Russell is the founder of the Global Center for Influence (C4In), launching (2023) at the University of Texas at Austin with a mission to help brands & people learn how to position themselves and their companies for success, bridging the gap between academia and practice. Amanda's mission is to enhance how we do 'higher education. 

Former Olympic-level athlete, Founder-to-sale Entrepreneur and Marketing Consultant who still loves the brain gymnastics of helping people and companies become more influential among their desired audience. Professor, Author "The Influencer Code", Speaker, Board Member and Director of C4In

Direct download: Mark_OCT21.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Can you base a marketing strategy on generosity? It's complex, exciting, and perhaps a key part of our future in business. Keith Jennings has studied the psychology and sociology of generosity and is convinced it should be a core strategy. Mark and Keith explore this idea and a multitude of angles when kindness counts most of all in this unusual episode!

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog. Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Keith Jennings is an executive and writer who equips professionals to serve with values, generosity, and social impact. He serves as vice president of community impact with Jackson Healthcare. Connect with him at

Direct download: MarkOCT9-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

As marketers sort through the new bag of AI magic tricks, it's important to stay centered on real value and the human connection at the center of marketing. In this episode, Mark Schaefer and Dennis Yu take a fresh look at the Human-Centered Marketing Manifesto and debate its relevance in the new digital landscape

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.

Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Dennis Yu is on a mission to create a million jobs by training up international workers to serve American companies. Former search engine engineer who has spent a billion dollars on ads. Best-selling author and speaker.

Direct download: MarkSep25-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Sara Wilson and Mark Schaefer attended Z Con, the first conference fully dedicated to Gen Z -- up on by Gen Z leaders. It provided a fascinating glimpse into the minds and memes of a generation that punched above its weight when it comes to cultural influence. In this show you'll get an eye-popping look at what it takes to achieve business and brand success when it comes to this new generation of consumers. 

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog. Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Sara Wilson is a journalist-turned-social-marketer (former Facebook & Instagram) who works with brands, publications, and platforms like YouTube, Nike, Bumble, the New York Times and many others find, engage and grow obsessive communities across digital channels through her consultancy SW Projects. Sara also writes frequently on the subject of digital marketing trends; she coined the term "digital campfires" in the Harvard Business Review to describe the types of spaces where young audiences are gathering online today, and often speaks and leads workshops on this and other topics related to social innovation, web3, and Gen Z consumption trends to companies around the world such as Microsoft and McKinsey.

Direct download: MarkSEP11-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Mathew Sweezey discuss how the AI revolution is impacting them as business leaders, entrepreneurs, and simply individuals trying to make their way in the world. Mark and Mathew discuss their current AI priorities, hacks, and the aspects of this development keeping them up at night. Where do they see the pitfalls and opportunities? Find out in this fascinating episode! 

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.

Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking

Mathew Sweezey is the Co-Founder of Salesforces Web3 Studio where he helped Salesforce and their top customers transition into Web3. Mathew an independent consultant, a best selling author, and avid adventurer. 
Direct download: MarkAUG28-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

There are plenty of frameworks for successful content creation, but can ANYBODY breakthrough with a successful blog, podcast, or video series these days ... or does it take some "special sauce?" Mark Schaefer and Jay Acunzo debate the issue and don't always agree in this fascinating episode.
Mark and Jay cover what it takes to create a defensible content property, the importance of being pissed off, why marketers create the worst content, and the importance of "awe" in the content world.

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker, and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

For more of Mark’s insights every week, subcribe to his award-winning blog.

Mark also offers classes in personal branding and professional speaking.

Jay Acunzo is an author, speaker, and host of the podcast Unthinkable -- the show about marketers who trusted their intuition, not the best practices, and all the unconventional, refreshing things they did to build their brands and leave their legacies. Learn more and find a Starter Pack of episodes at

Direct download: MarkAUG14-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

AI is moving quickly into every crevice of the marketing world but the impact on content has been immediate and profound. Where does AI matter, and where will humans persist and thrive? Mark Schaefer and Amanda Russell discuss a hierarchy of content in the AI world and the impact on the personal brand.

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

Amanda Russell is the founder of the Global Center for Influence (C4In), launching (2023) at the University of Texas at Austin with a mission to help brands & people learn how to position themselves and their companies for success, bridging the gap between academia and practice. Amanda's mission is to enhance how we do higher education. 

Direct download: MarkJuly-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Ketih Jennings reveal the difference between story and narrative as it relates to business strategy. In this wide-ranging discussion, they unpack the role of narrative in branding and corporate influence, Eastern versus Western storytelling style, and more. This episode has special bonus content going deeper on this subject from RISE community members. 
Direct download: Mark-July14.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Dennis Yu and Mark Schaefer explore why public speaking is becoming a more important in the marketing mix. Speaking builds authority and trust and can cut through the disinformation of our world. Mark and Dennis also reveal some of their public speaking highs and lows and reveal their secrets to battle onstage nerves. This episode is a fascinating and fun collection of tips and stories!

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

Dennis Yu is on a mission to create a million jobs by training up international workers to serve American companies. Former search engine engineer who has spent a billion dollars on ads. Best-selling author and speaker.

Direct download: Mark_July3_FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

This episode provides a behind-the-scenes look at the production of a singularly unique content marketing project. Mark Schaefer pulled together 35 subject matter experts from ten countries to create one of the most unique content experiments in history. Jump into this show to discover Mark Schaefer's biggest personal business risk. There was no going back when these experts decided to move forward with a project that would change their lives. Featuring Daniel Nestle, Frank Prendergast and Anna Bravington.
Direct download: MarkJune19-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

"Open Loyalty" is an exciting new idea that transforms traditional notions of loyalty with cutting edge technology. Some of the biggest brands are experimenting with the idea. Let's learn about the future of loyalty with Mathew Sweezey and Mark Schaefer.

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

Mathew Sweezey is the Co-Founder of Salesforces Web3 Studio where he helped Salesforce and their top customers transition into Web3. Mathew an independent consultant, a best selling author, and avid adventurer. 
Direct download: MarkJune-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

In this era where AI is nipping at the heels of our marketing careers, there is no more important idea than defining how you fit into this new eco-system, or, ad Jay Acunzo puts it, "What is the gist of you?" Jay and Mark Schaefer take a deep dive into the meaning of brand and personal relevance in a world exploding with new creative output. 

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," “Belonging to the Brand,” and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

Jay Acunzo is an author, speaker, and host of the podcast Unthinkable -- the show about marketers who trusted their intuition, not the best practices, and all the unconventional, refreshing things they did to build their brands and leave their legacies. Learn more and find a Starter Pack of episodes at

Direct download: MarkMay22-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

In this unique episode. Amanda Russell and Mark Schaefer offer an exclusive look at the extraordinary marketing challenges in the field of marketing. In a world where taste, scarcity, and exclusivity rule, the foundations of mass marketing are meaningless. How do luxury brands connect in a personal way that builds community? There are important lessons here for any marketer!

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN" and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

Amanda Russell is the founder of the Global Center for Influence (C4In), launching (2023) at the University of Texas at Austin with a mission to help brands & people learn how to position themselves and their companies for success, bridging the gap between academia and practice. Amanda's mission is to enhance how we do 'higher education. Former Olympic-level athlete, Founder-to-sale Entrepreneur and Marketing Consultant who still loves the brain gymnastics of helping people and companies become more influential among their desired audience. Professor, Author "The Influencer Code", Speaker, Board Member and Director of C4In

Direct download: MarkMay8-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Should we bring our "whole self" to the marketing profession? A powerful sociological trend is changing norms and expectations of our customers and employees. What are the advantages and disadvantages of vulnerability and self-disclosure? Mark Schaefer and Keith Jennings weigh in!

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "Belonging to the Brand" and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

Keith Jennings is an executive and writer who equips professionals to serve with values, generosity, and social impact.He serves as vice president of community impact with Jackson Healthcare. Connect with him at

Direct download: MarkApril24mp3.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer and social media marketing expert Denis Yu dive into the most important trends including the true value of the blue check mark, the most powerful platforms right now, the future of TikTok, and the truth behind Facebook's foray into the metaverse. You'll also hear some hair-raising stories about information and privacy! 

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "Marketing Rebellion" and "Belonging to the Brand." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

Dennis Yu is on a mission to create a million jobs by training up international workers to serve American companies. Former search engine engineer who has spent a billion dollars on ads. Best-selling author and speaker.

Direct download: Mark-April7-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

AI is everywhere and seemingly everything these days in the world of marketing. But now that we're getting through the magic trick phase of AI we're beginning to observe the powerful impact it could have on culture, community, and careers. Let's begin the discussion today, a discussion that is just starting in our world today.

Direct download: Mark_FINAL-MARCH26.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Sara Wilson has been studying Gen Z with a detective-like intensity and her new research report gives us a guide for connecting with them. We talk about their hideouts, their curious aesthetic, the role of "faux-stalgia," the importance of the absurd, and much more. Your head will spin with new insights and ideas in this conversation with Mark Schaefer. 

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN" and "Marketing Rebellion," and “Belonging to the Brand.” His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

Sara Wilson is a journalist-turned-social-marketer (former Facebook & Instagram) who works with brands, publications, and platforms like YouTube, Nike, Bumble, the New York Times and many others find, engage and grow obsessive communities across digital channels through her consultancy SW Projects. Sara also writes frequently on the subject of digital marketing trends; she coined the term "digital campfires" in the Harvard Business Review to describe the types of spaces where young audiences are gathering online today, and often speaks and leads workshops on this and other topics related to social innovation, web3, and Gen Z consumption trends to companies around the world such as Microsoft and McKinsey.

Direct download: MarkMarch13-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Jay Acunzo take a deep dive into the utility and threat of AI platforms like ChatGPT. They explore the very nature of creativity and Jay explains the three foundational ideas and why AI falls short on two of them. Mark presents a dystopian future view of creativity, a scenario he says is probable in five to 10 years. Ultimately Mark and Jay agree that personal connection through content will determine success or failure. Mark describes three different types of content and why AI will dominate at least one of those categories. 

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," "Marketing Rebellion," and “Belonging to the Brand.” His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.

Jay Acunzo is an author, speaker, and host of the podcast Unthinkable -- the show about marketers who trusted their intuition, not the best practices, and all the unconventional, refreshing things they did to build their brands and leave their legacies. Learn more and find a Starter Pack of episodes at

Direct download: Mark-FINAL-FEB27.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer and nonprofit marketing authority Keith Jennings unwrap new ideas in nonprofit marketing, including a new way to segment audiences, why a focus on "product" enables better nonprofit marketing, and why nonprofits should consider community-based marketing. 

Direct download: Mark_Keith.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

In this show, Mark Schaefer and two friends, Samantha Stone and Chad Parizman, weave a story of his greatest professional accomplishment -- ten years in the making. It's not a book, it's not a famous speech. This is the story of 30 people who took a risk together. 
Samantha Stone is the founder and CEO of The Marketing Advisory Network. She is a teacher, consultant, marketing strategist, researcher, and the author of Unleash Possible. 
Chad Parizman has been a digital marketing strategist for HGTV and Pfizer and currently leads brands into an effective social audio strategy through his company Ader Communications.
Direct download: Mark-JAN30.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:00am GMT

In this unique episode, Mark Schaefer talks about how viewing "community" through the lens of brand marketing is not a strategy that works, it is marketing that heals. In fact, community might be the greatest overlooked marketing opportunity in the history of marketing opportunities. The legendary Douglas Burdette serves as a special co-host for this episode. This episode includes a free chapter of Mark's new book "Belonging to the Brand."

Douglas Burdette is the founder of Artillery Marketing and the host of the well-known Marketing Book podcast. 

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN," "Marketing Rebellion" and "Belonging to the Brand." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising

Direct download: MarkJAN16.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:00am GMT

Tom Peters was named as one of the top 10 business minds of this century and he just published an extraordinary new book. In this interview, he covers some surprising topics with typical boldness:
  • His surprising take on "quiet quitting."
  • "You don't have to like your employees, but you have to love them."
  • Why great speakers act out of a sense of desperation about their message
  • Why "business is community, period."
  • Your job as a leader is to "hire well and promote."
  • Why he is perpetually pissed off
  • Why we need to hire "the quiet ones."
Tom is best-known for his book "In Search of Excellence" and his new book is 
"The Compact Guide to Excellence."
Direct download: Mark_Jan2.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:00am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Mathew Sweezey talk about some of the landmark marketing events of 2022 and project what might be important in the coming year. 

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN" and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising

Mathew Sweezey is the Co-Founder of Salesforces Web3 Studio where he helps Salesforce and their top customers transition into Web3. Mathew is also a best selling author, and avid adventurer. 

Direct download: MarkDec15.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:00am GMT

In five days, one million people signed up for ChatGPT, a sophisticated artificual intelligence program now broadly available in a user-friendly interface. At a minimum this upends our approach to content, social media, research, and strategy. For many, it will be the end of their careers as they've known it. 

To help us figure out what's next, I turned to a revered tech analyst, Shelly Palmer. In this special episode, Shelly explains why he things ChatGPT "changes everything," the opportunities and limitations, and his career strategy.

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN" and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising

Shelly Palmer is an author, speaker, educator, and tech analyst. 

Direct download: Mark_DEC-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:17pm GMT

Mark Schaefer and Jay Acunzo re-think content marketing from the ground up, contending that that the personal brand and their trusted audiences may drive strategy more than "helpful content." 

Instead of a content department, Mark and Jay think through what a "content culture" would look like that nurtures in-house creators, establishes a space for outside industry thought leaders, and assigns full-time creative duties at an executive level. 

This is a model that is already happening at media companies. Why not transfer these best practices to the corporate and agency world?

Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN" and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising

Jay Acunzo is an author, speaker, and host of the podcast Unthinkable -- the show about marketers who trusted their intuition, not the best practices, and all the unconventional, refreshing things they did to build their brands and leave their legacies. Learn more and find a Starter Pack of episodes at 

Direct download: Mark_Dec2.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:43am GMT

Amanda Russell relates an amazing story of how she cuts through the clutter to surround herself with powerful business relationships. This is a graduate level class about networking strategy and gaining attention of thought leaders in a busy world.
Some themes:
  • Deep research on potential connections
  • Creating value that cuts through the noise
  • Continual effort to build on momentum
  • Establishing a mutually-beneficial relationship
  • Focus on the individual, not the ask
  • Prioritizing follow up and follow through
  • Establishing reciprocity
  • The role of community
Mark and Amanda also discuss the phenomenon of imposter syndrome. It seems to be everywhere but neither one of them has this condition. How do they approach scary new situations and ambiguity with confidence?
Amanda Russell is a college educator at the University of Texas, author of The Influencer Code, and consultant on influencer marketing. 
Mark Schaefer is a strategy consultant, college educator, keynote speaker and the author of 10 books including "KNOWN" and "Marketing Rebellion." His annual marketing retreat is The Uprising.
Direct download: Mark-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 3:45pm GMT

Mark Schaefer and Keith Jennings explore a vastly overlooked aspect of marketing -- status. While this may seem like a taboo topic, seeking status drives almost every aspect of our lives from where we live to our art, music, and brand devotion. Mark and Keith connect the dots between status and key cultural trends, especially the shifts we are seeing from Gen Z.
Direct download: Mark-Nov6.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 12:09pm GMT

NFTs have been in the news so much lately, and there's so much to learn! In this show, Mark Schaefer and Mathew Sweezey talk about NFTs as a tool to build community, loyalty, and brand identity through some exciting new use cases.

Direct download: MarkOct24-EDITED.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 2:06pm GMT

Social listening platforms are meaningless when it comes to young people today. Gen Z is hiding out in their digital campfires on Fortnite, Roblox and other hard-to-reach places. Mark Schaefer and Sara Wilson discuss how this new generation of tastemakers are re-defining community, marketing, and how we reach our customers.

Sara Wilson is a journalist-turned-social-marketer (former Facebook & Instagram) who works with brands, publications, and platforms like YouTube, Nike, Bumble, the New York Times and many others find, engage and grow obsessive communities across digital channels through her consultancy SW Projects. Sara also writes frequently on the subject of digital marketing trends; she coined the term "digital campfires" in the Harvard Business Review to describe the types of spaces where young audiences are gathering online today, and often speaks and leads workshops on this and other topics related to social innovation, web3, and Gen Z consumption trends to companies around the world such as Microsoft and McKinsey.  

Direct download: MarkOct5.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 1:00pm GMT

Mark Schaefer and Dennis Yu get out their crystal balls to look at the biggest impacts on marketers in the next two years. Will it be the metaverse? NFTs? Influencer marketing? The hosts don't always agree on this but you'll gain a fascinating perspective on what's coming next! 

Direct download: MarkSep-FIXED.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 5:30pm GMT

Put down your smartphone, shut down the metaverse, and close TikTok for a moment to re-visit one of the most important marketing theories of all-time, the Four Ps of marketing. Mark Schaefer and Robbie Fitzwater provide a fresh, surprising, and perhaps controversial take on what the theory means to marketers today.

Direct download: Mark_Sep11.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:14am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Amanda Russell both have globally-recognized brands but took drastically different routes regarding their self-promotion strategies. In this show, the co-hosts discuss their pitfalls and challenges, the need to evolve strategies over time, the limits of self-disclosure, being "on-brand," over-sharing, and more.

Direct download: Amanda-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:28am GMT

Have you considered how brand and marketing messaging evolve over time? Have you noticed a trend from product attributes to values? Mark Schaefer and Keith Jennings offer a new way to think about marketing in a changing world with implications for how you and your business can stand out in a noisy world. 

Direct download: Mark_AUG14-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:28am GMT

Digital marketing pioneer Dennis Yu and futurist Mark Schaefer debate the state of the marketing jobs market. The market is red hot but can it stay that way? What job skills are needed to compete now in and in the future? And how can we take advantage of technology to fill marketing jobs in creative new ways? It's a can't-miss show!

Direct download: Mark_AUG1-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:43am GMT

Mark Schaefer and co-host Brooke Sellas talk about a ground-breaking new book that covers the essential online customer care strategies. They discuss the elevated emotional furor on the web today, the risk that comes with taking a stand, the impact of Web3 on customer service, and practical strategies for nurturing meaningful customer connections. 

Direct download: Mark-JULY16-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:55am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Mathew Sweezey have a wide-ranging conversation exploring the truth and consequences of crypto winter, co-creating brands, NFTs as the future of CRM and much more. This is an amazing opportunity to peer into the mechanics of Web3 with an industry futurist and thought leader. 

Direct download: Mark-July4-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:35am GMT

Like many of us, Mark Masters struggled to build his marketing agency. His own marketing and advertising weren't creating momentum for his business. And he felt rather empty with the transitory, transactional nature of marketing. So he tried a bold experiment. He started a learning community that revolutionized his business. This is a bold discussion that may point to the future of marketing.

Direct download: MARK_FINAL_20.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:19am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Amanda Russell dive into their consulting practice secrets. How do they keep the clients coming in? When do you "fire" a customer? What is their best consulting advice? All this and more in this jam-packed episode. 

Direct download: MarkJune6-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:12am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Keith Jennings discuss a creative new way to think about products and services that opens up new marketing strategy possibilities.
Direct download: Mark-May22-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 7:58am GMT

Dennis Yu just published the bestselling book on TikTok and had unprecedented access to the inner workings of the company. This is a fun show filled with surprises, insights, and practical ideas. 

Direct download: MARK_May9.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:31am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Brooke Sellas explore the vital role of conversation in the marketing mix. How has the pandemic changed customer care? AI? The metaverse? How are marketing leaders grossly misunderstanding the connection between sales and marketing conversations? All this and more in this fascinating episode! 

Direct download: Mark-APR25.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 3:24pm GMT

Traditional marketing is fracturing before our eyes. Web3, NFTs, and the metaverse will become the standard way of connecting to a new generation. Mathew Sweezey helps us navigate this bold new world and understand the implications of a post-cookie, post-SEO, post-content world. 
Direct download: MarkApril11.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 4:16pm GMT

Is it possible to create a meaningful and effective digital presence for even boring companies? Commodity products? This is a surprising discussion between Mark Schaefer and Jay Acunzo that will push your brain in some new directions! Let's take a fresh look at marketing boring companies and products!

Direct download: Mark-March28.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:06am GMT

Amanda Russell occupies the epicenter of influence marketing and in this show, we cover the dirty secrets, the corruption, and the true opportunity for influence marketing in the digital era. You'll also hear a world premiere announcement of a significant new development that could have a far-ranging impact on the marketing world!

Direct download: MARK_MARCH14-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 6:30pm GMT

This is an epic discussion between Mark Schaefer and Keith Jennings exploring 50 years of cognitive research and a conclusion that it is almost impossible to change a person's deeply-held beliefs. Certainly this is a massive marketing challenge. But at least under three conditions, change is possible. And in fact, we may be in the perfect storm of opportunity. Get out your pen and paper. You're going to be taking notes on this one! 

Direct download: Mark-Feb26.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:25am GMT

Marketing legend Sandy Carter joins the show to talk about the hottest topic in marketing: Web3. Is it over-hyped, the future of our field, or a little of both. Tune in to hear Mark Schaefer and Sandy sort it out. 

Direct download: Mark_FEB14.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:08am GMT

In this revealing show, Mark Schaefer and Brooke Sellas look at the rapidly changing world of civil activism and "woke" movements on company culture and marketing strategy. We are in an unprecedented time when outside forces unrelated to our company and product can influence marketing strategy in unprecedented ways. This is an unmissable episode

Direct download: Mark-Jan31.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 2:26pm GMT

Mark Schaefer and Mathew Sweezey apply a rapid-fire approach to marketing trend analysis in this fast-paced show. What's hot, what's not? Is it social media, content marketing, podcasts, web3? You won't want to miss this expert analysis. 

Direct download: 2ND_TRY.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 5:24pm GMT

Mark Schaefer and Jay Acunzo break down their creative journeys and the relationship between money and creativity. This episode is full of unique insights as they talk about resources versus resourcefulness, the bane of money, the future of creativity, and the poetic inspiration of "Rocky."

Direct download: MarkJan-FINAL2022.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 2:52pm GMT

Influencer and educator Amanda Russell joins Mark to reveal how she has transcended tragedy to create a bold new personal future. As we close out another pandemic year we look back into our lives and reveal the lessons we learned about how to find light in the darkness, hope in despair and a survival mindset when your world seems to be falling apart. You’ve never heard an episode like this before. 

Direct download: MarkDEC20-Final.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 12:36pm GMT

Keith Jennings climbs aboard the Companion train to discuss the role of habit in marketing strategy, success, and results. It's a topic that has been overlooked for too long and this discussion shines a light on the role of habit in leadership, cultural change, and gains.

Direct download: FINAL-MarkDEC5-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:06am GMT

Entrepreneurial genius Dennis Yu steps into the co-host's seat to discuss his plan to create 1 million new marketing jobs. We also get into sales bros, Jake Paul, lousy LinkedIn pitches, robo-consulting, true personalization, and how "emotional AI" is going to be the biggest game-changer.

Direct download: MarkNOV21-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:46am GMT

"Community" might be the most important and misunderstood marketing buzz word. Brooke Sellas joins Mark Schaefer to discuss community success and failure, the connection to true marketing opportunity, and its role in a crypto-enabled creator economy of the future.

Direct download: FINAL-NOV6.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:10am GMT

Jay Acunzo and Mark Schaefer discuss how reach, resonance, and relevance are intertwined and evolving into something new in a post-SEO world. They show how expertise is now a commodity on the web unless you have the brand to go with it. They blow up the notion of monetizing an audience into some practical and rational ideas. This episode will re-frame your idea of how content works in the world today. 
Direct download: MarkOct25-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:00pm GMT

The is the first episode of a re-launch of The Marketing Companion featuring a discussion with Mathew Sweezey, marketing director for Salesforce. In this wide-ranging discussion, we cover trending news items from Facebook and TikTok and then go deep into how influencers are reinventing traditional retail, branding, eCommerce, and entertainment. This will reframe your view of the future of marketing.

Direct download: Mark_OCT10.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:23am GMT

In this new episode, Mark Schaefer has a big announcement about the future of the Marketing Companion. Mark and Brooke discuss the evolution of branding as well as trending news from Peloton and Facebook.

Direct download: Mark_Sep27_Final.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 7:48pm GMT

In this show, Mark and Brooke look at a variety of AI innovations that could impact content marketers and consumers, including holograms and deep fakes. They also cover solutions to content overload, stunning new research on post-pandemic consumer trends, and Brooke's go-to karaoke song.

Direct download: MarkSep13FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:30am GMT

Mark Schaefer and Brooke Sellas discuss how technology is opening new "seams of opportunity" in marketing for senior living, virtual meetings, healthcare, real estate, insurance, and other industries. 

Direct download: MarkAUG30-FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 11:38pm GMT

What happens when AI can accurately replicate a conversation with a lost loved one? The personality of a business leader like Steve Jobs? The presence of Jesus or Gandhi? Does it become a tool for healing and great leadership, or will it become the next addiction? Mark and Brooke dissect a case study from the news in this surprising and fascinating discussion.

Direct download: MarkAug15FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 1:24pm GMT

One of the most interesting and important trends coming out of the pandemic is Live Commerce. Born in China and now spreading rapidly around the world, this trend combines influencers, streaming, entertainment, and impulse buying. Mark and Booke also discuss the strange influence of Peppa Pig, Instagram's pivot, and why young people are not going into sales. 

Direct download: MarkAUG2.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 1:36pm GMT

The wonderful world of marketing continues to evolve! What can we learn from the evolution of streaming services, a disturbing change at TikTok, and re-discovery of the written word (newsletters are HOT!). Plus, a tribute to Zelda.
Direct download: MarkFINALJULY19.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 8:36am GMT

After a grueling year, pandemic-weary consumers are heading for the hills. Every vacation venue is over-booked. But what happens when this surge in demand meets an employment crisis? Mark and Brooke kick off the ninth season of The Marketing Companion with their analysis, plus a post-content marketing world, and a dating app for Gen Z.

Direct download: MarkJuly3FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 1:52pm GMT

The pandemic has created an era of unintended consequences. In this episode, Mark and Brooke present 10 non-obvious emerging trends that could present new opportunities for marketers everywhere. In this exciting show, Mark challenges you to see the world through the lens of "fractures in the status quo."

Direct download: MarkJUNE21.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:17pm GMT

Snap seems to be making all the right moves. The stock is soaring and so is revenue. But their latest move is confusing. Or, is it bold and ground-breaking? Mark and Brooke debate the prospects for Snap as well as trends in emotion detection, Gen Z career choices, and Mark's issue with Resting Bitch Face.

Direct download: MarkJune7FINAL.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 9:41pm GMT

New research points to radical changes on the marketing job front. The good news is, jobs are growing. The bad news is, you might need to upgrade your skillset. Mark and Brooke explore the post-pandemic job market as well the fall-out from the digital ad apocalypse.

Direct download: MarkFINAL_MAY.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 11:45am GMT

Scott Monty and Tim Washer, creators of the famous Marketing Companion intros do a show takeover and provide their unique perspective on Mark Zuckerberg, influencers, TikTok, and beyond! 

Direct download: Mark_MAY10.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 10:38am GMT