Thu, 26 September 2013
Twitter is at a crossroads. It's in the process of becoming a public company which will inevitably affect how they monetize, where they monetize, and perhaps even influence the type of content they are willing to allow on the site. A bastion for free speech, how will Twitter react when Wall Street pushes back on controversial content? As little Twitter has grown up it is now squarely in the gunsights of Facebook, which can only survive and thrive by increasing its "marketshare" of our personal information. Twitter is experiencing a youth movement, driven in part by the fact that mother (and even grandmother) is on Facebook now, directly threatening a core Facebook audience. Twitter is also in the middle of placing a bold bet on becoming the go-to "second screen" for television viewing. Twitter has changed my life so these are vitally interesting topics for me and many in the marketing field ... and an awesome topic for our next Marketing Companion podcast. And if these topics are not reason enough to tune in, you should listen to this episode just to hear Tom Webster state that he no longer has to suck on the teet of social media. It's a fun and lively debate which also covers:
At this point you are probably experiencing a Pavlovian-type response and are reaching for the "play" button. Well, here it is: Resources mentioned in this podcast: Venture Capitalist John Frankel of ff Venture Capital The Book The Tao of Twitter: Changing Your Life and Business 140 Characters at a Time
Direct download: TheMarketingCompanion.8.mp3
Category:Social Media Marketing -- posted at: 4:49pm GMT |
Thu, 12 September 2013
I have a new Twitter follower who has branded herself as an "authenticity coach." This puzzled me. Is that a real business? Is "authenticity" a critical business skill so important it has become a cottage industry? And perhaps the bigger question is, exactly what DO you need to learn to succeed in a marketing career today? This is a complex question because marketing as a career discipline has evolved differently than other areas of business. If you are a finance professional or you work in accounting or economics, the fundamentals of your career success are not sliding under your feet. But if you are trying to establish a career in marketing, not only are the tools of your trade changing, the rules of engagement are changing every day. If you want to aim to land a marketing job, what should you study in college? Do you even need to go college? If you are an established marketing professional, how do you stay relevant? Are you doomed to be in a constant state of catch-up? This is a fascinating topic and that's why I think you will particularly enjoy the latest edition of The Marketing Companion, a 30-minute podcast I create with the amazing Tom Webster. We cover a lot of ground in a short period of time, including:
At this point, you probably can't wait to wrap your ears around this podcast, so here it is! Other helpful resources mentioned in this podcast: Book by Tom Peters: The Brand You Blog post by Mark Schaefer: The crisis in marketing education and what to do about it Illustration courtesy of Book links are affiliate links |